Natalie’s News
The Real Estate Commission of the Department of Licensing meets quarterly to discuss the most pressing issues in our industry that primarily affect licensing laws and rules. In addition there are two committees that meet to focus on issues and determine if there is a need to bring any topics to the full commission to take action.
During the month of January 2015 two committees met. I was on the conference call for both.
Education Committee The Core Curriculum class is updated and changed every two years. Agents need to just take whatever core is available during the two year cycle for their license renewal. They do not need to know which core class, as it just morphs into the new one. The next core will be Jan 16-Dec 17. The committee is looking into what should be in the curriculum for the next core. The full commission meeting will be in March where the preliminary topic areas will be presented.
Changing Business Practices This committee discussed Zillow.com and Fingerprinting. Zillow was represented by two people… one being a staff counsel. They stressed that Zillow “is an advertising and marketing platform for Real Estate Agents.. a modern version of the old classified advertisements.” It is not a part of any real estate transaction. One of the issues is the “coming soon” feature. Advertising listings not available is a violation of the NWMLS rules and so therefore agents in the NWMLS know that is against regulations. Zillow says that the agent checks a box prior to entering listings as to whether it is allowed under their MLS rules.
Fingerprinting will continue to be done on a 6 year cycle but this could change in the future. The DOL is looking into an RFP for a new vendor to handle the fingerprinting.
The minutes and handouts are available at the DOL website