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3 Clock Hour Classes

The 3 hour classes you can just click to download!

Correspondence classes..

You just READ the material on your computer screen.  You can print it out.

PRINT out the quiz and evaluation.

COMPLETE the quiz and evaluation with a pen.

Then SCAN and EMAIL to the clockhours email on the forms.

You can PAY tuition using paypal (which also processes credit/debit cards)

Wow.. do you believe all these 3 hour classes?!  Natalie wrote them all!



3 hour Required Core Curriculum

The Core Curriculum is updated every two years.  YOU have a choice to take the Residential version or the Commercial Version of the Core.  The Residential version has the forms changes from last year and offer and listing information.  The Commercial version has information on cases, landlord tenant law, anatomy of a lease.  You can preview the classes… JUST CLICK!

3 hour NEW Residential Core 2024-2025 Click to download

3 hour Required Fair Housing after June 1, 2024

You are NOW required to take a 3 clockhour Fair Housing class on EVERY renewal after June 1, 2024.  Click here for the required class.

3 clockhour Fair Housing Required after June 1, 2024 click to download


Three Clockhour Classes

Agent Survival March 2023 Click to download

Are you a Secret Agent revised 24 Click to download

Beware of loser loans 2023 Click to download

Boost your Business 2023 Click to download

Choose your Business Revised 23 Click to download

Closing Challenges April 2023 Click to download

Conveying Condos revised 23 Click to download

Credit Reports revised 2023 Click to download

3 hour Dangers of Overpricing Revised April 24

Get Connected on the Internet 23 Click to download

3 hour Get your Face on Facebook Dec 23 Click to download

Imagining the Future updated Dec 2020 Click to download

Inside View of Title Insurance 23 Click to download

Instant results with Instagram 23 Click to download

Make the phone Ring with Referrals Revised April 24

Marketing without Money 24 Click to download

Qualifying for Mortgage 2024 Click to download

Reading and Understanding Preliminary Title 2024 click to download

Scams and Fraud revised 2023 Click to download

REHAB Loans 2023 Click to download

Red Hot Issues Class Revised 2023 Click to download

Rental Rights updated Jan 2022 Click to download

The First 24 months revised May 2022 Click Here free ONLY FOR NEW AGENTS

Time Management: an oxymoron 24 Click to Download

Twenty Questions on Twitter 24 Click to download

Twenty Questions on LinkedIn 24 Click to download

Watch What Say 23 Click to download

White Collar Crime Revised Nov 2022 Click to download

Who Owns this House revised 2023 Click to download

Why Should a Buyer Hire You Updated Oct 23 Click to download

Why Should a Seller List 23 click to download

The descriptions for some of the courses are below…

Agent Survival moving Toward Success

This is a three hour class just walking you through everything from whether you are in or out of the business to ideas how to get an online presence.  Natalie also teaches this class in offices throughout the state… with much more energy than the online version!  Email her to schedule it in your office and she’ll give you any 3 hour class for free!

Why Should a Seller List? 3 clockhour class

HouseWhy should that seller list with you? Sometimes we forget all the reasons it is prudent for a seller to list with a real estate agent. Here are 12 reasons that might help you when you are sitting across the table to list that next property for sale.

This is a 3 clockhour correspondence class. It is in a PDF format. You download the class to your computer. Then, either you can print out the entire class or read it up on your screen. After you are done, print out the last few pages of the quiz and evaluation. Fill out the paperwork….scan and email!!!

Who Owns this House 3 clockhours

ImageDo you know who owns the listing you just advertised? This 3 clockhour course focuses on the issue of ownership. We often take ownership issues for granted and don’t do the simple research or ask the questions that can make or break a sale. From community property to the death of a spouse there can be even the simplest issue left untouched. Fraud, forgeries, mistakes can affect ownership. Read some interesting cases that begged the question “Who Owns this House.”

White Collar Crime 3 hour class

ImageYou really should read this class! This is a 3 clockhour class focusing on fraud prevalent in real estate and mortgage transactions. Here are the 10 most common types of fraud including Inflated Sales Prices, Ghost Deed of Trusts, Mortgage Elimination, Flipping, Straw Buyers and Foreclosure Rescue. It is important to have knowledge of the schemes so that you, as an agent, don’t participate in one that could threaten your license or put you in an orange jumpsuit!