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7.5 and 15 Clockhour Classes

These are the 7.5 hour classes you can take for your renewal.  You can preview any class… Just click on the class as it is a pdf.  Then if you want to take the class read the material, print out the quiz, and complete with a pen. Scan your answers back.  Pay when you are done.  We get an email that you paid. Thanks!  Natalie

Re-Charge your Real Estate Business 

Take a look at your business … from your bio to your marketing!  Why would a client choose to work with you?  What can you change?  Time to have some kind of plan! Get more business when you are in front of more prospects!  You will get ideas and help charge your business for the coming year!

SUMMER SPECIAL …. The tuition for Recharge you Real Estate Business is only $40!

Recharge your Real estate business 23

Link to pay tuition

Keep Your License 7.5 clockhours

There are so many rules, ethical guidelines, state laws and federal laws that we work under as real estate agents. This class is an interesting look at the different laws and rules. $50 tuition.

Keep Your License Click to download

Listings that Sell 7.5 hours

This class covers the basics of listing residential real estate. You will pick up some tips and ideas for getting your listings sold and how to discuss issues with the sellers. $50 tuition.

Listings That Sell 2024 edited Click to download

The Key to Buyers 7.5 hours

This class covers topics dealing with working with primarily residential real estate buyers.  It can be a challenge to work with buyers from getting an offer accepted to closing. $50 tuition.

Key to Buyers 24  click to download

Legal Edge includes Core Curriculum 

NOTE:  This is 15 clockhours

This class covers the most legal Issues in Real Estate industry!!!!     It is an in-depth class covering all the most important issues you should know!  The class INCLUDES the 3 hour Core Curriculum so that helps you meet that requirement.

15 clockhours The Legal Edge includes Core Revised Dec 2022-2023 expires Dec 31

OR take the new Legal Edge and finish it after January 1, 2024

15 hour Legal Edge includes NEW Core 2024-2025