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About: clockhours

Recent Posts by clockhours

Get Certified to Teach

Get Certified to Teach Clockhours  Instructor Development Workshop This is your opportunity to learn about getting certified! Information meeting and classes. Take the Instructor Training! Email Natalie at clockhours at gmail. The Instructor Training Class.  This is not like any other class.  You will learn how to get certified.  How to use your certification.  HowContinue Reading

Required Fair Housing Class

WA Real Estate Fair Housing Class REQUIRED It is available HERE on the website! and on Zoom The 3 clockhour Fair Housing class is required for all licensees on their next renewal after June 1, 2024 and ALL future renewals in addition to the Core Curriculum. I turned the class upside down… and tried toContinue Reading

Natalie rallies to have better Core Curriculum for 2024-2025!

Natalie rallies for better Core Curriculum! The Core Curriculum has been updated for 2024-2025! The Core morphs into an new version every two years. It is updated usually by a committee. Natalie is teaching it several times a year on Zoom! It still has so much material repeated from the last class. Of course theContinue Reading

New Class! Legal Edge 15 clockhours includes Core Class

The Legal Edge 15 clockhours This class is the most updated legal continuing education class available!  No class compares to the information you will learn by reading and answering the questions to complete the class. Now, you have laws that are impacting how you represent your clients as a buyers agent.  Lawsuits are opening yourContinue Reading

Do we have to sign a brokerage agreement to work with an agent?

Do WE Have to Get Brokerage Agreements Signed? Not just a handshake… Get a pen in that prospects hand! Yes!  the changes to the Law of Agency require that you get a Brokerage Services Agreement signed!  No assuming who represents who… Get a pen in that prospects hand… not just a handshake! There have beenContinue Reading

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