5 Clock Hour Classes
Here are the 5 clockhour classes! They are pdf that you read, print out the quiz, complete with a pen and scan back. You can pay when you are done! Seriously! We get an email that you paid. You are welcome to click on any class and check it out! Thanks, Natalie
When Are You an Agent? 5 clockhours
Do you know when you are an agent and what those agency responsibilities consist of? We carry around that pamphlet on the Law of Agency but it is time for a reminder as to what it actually says. It has been ten years since that landmark legislation passed in Washington state. It defined agency and attempts to clarify the relationships. This class is an awesome primer on the law. But, remember, this class is not meant to make interpretations of the law. Any specific questions direct toward your broker or corporate attorney. Email us your answer sheet and evaluation for 5 clockhours. $40 tuition
When Are You an Agent edited Oct 23 Click to download
The Dangerous Dozen Errors on Purchase and Sale Agreements 5 clockhours
There is a hole in just about every agreement. WE all make mistakes. But, sometimes we don’t even know what to look for. This course looks at 12 of the most common errors with Purchase and Sale agreements. It is on of the most popular Professional Directon classes. Remember, that if you have a legal question direct it toward your broker or corporate attorney! Email your answer sheet and evaluation. $40 tuition
Dangerous Dozen edited 23 Click to download
What is a Home Worth 5 clockhours
This is the seller’s most valuable investment. It is important to understand some of the concepts and principles of value and appraisal. Learn the dangers of overpricing so that you don’t let your listings get on the clearance rack. Look at the legal and ethical considerations. Look at key factors in evaluating property. But the best page is the one on the “dangers of overpricing.” It will help give you ideas of what to say to the sellers. Email us your answer sheet and evaluation and we’ll email you a certificate. $40 tuition
What is a Home Worth July 23 Click to download
Earnest Money and Escrow 5 clockhours
Consumer funds are to be safeguarded during a transaction. This 5 clockhours course will cover the handling of earnest money, the escrow process, the breakdown on the settlement statement and challenges that can delay closing residential transactions. If you have specific questions regarding HUD settlement statements contact an escrow closer. Legal questions direct to your broker or corporate attorney. For the last questions, use ANY settlement statement. Find the answers. Don’t send it with your answer sheet to the school. Email us your quiz answers and evaluation and we’ll email your certificate. $40 tuition.
Earnest Money Escrow revised AD Sept 2023 Click to download
Signing Listing Agreements 5 clockhours
This is everything you wanted to know about residential listings. We technically aren’t in sales because we don’t have inventory. We match prospective purchasers to sellers and our responsibilities go much further into the sales transaction. We negotiate contracts for the largest single investment most people make in their lives. Email us your answer sheet and evaluation. $40 tuition.
Signing Listing Agreements edited 2023 Click to download
Consumer Rights 5 clockhours
So here is an opportunity to see what the rights are that the consumer has. From Agency to Escrow to Fair housing. Sometimes we are concerned about all kinds of details in the transaction and we forget to focus on the rights of the consumer. This does not cover everything but it touches on some of the most important ones. If you have legal questions direct them to your broker or corporate attorney. Emails us your answer sheet and evaluation. $40 tuition.
Consumer Rights Revised 23 Click to download
Residential Rental Reality 5 clockhours
Property management in a 5 hour class can cover most of the basics of Landlord tenant law, contracts, rights and fair housing. This is an outstanding overview! If you have a rental, manage rentals, or sell investment property you really should see how much you know by taking this class. If you have legal questions direct them to your broker or corporate attorney. Email us your answer sheet and evaluation. $40 tuition.
ResidentialRental Reality updated Sept 2023 Click to download
What is a Broker? 5 clockhour
Do you really know the real estate license laws? This class is a good rundown of how the laws affect all real estate brokers. It includes the responsibilities of licensees, educational requirements, information on fingerprinting, trust accounts, audits, and landlord tenant law. $40 tuition.
What is a Broker revised 23 Click to download