Core Curriculum Class
No Groaning… I know… you are required to take this 3 clockhour class every two years to renew your real estate license! The curriculum is provided by the Dept of Licensing and we write our own classes. I know it can seem a bit painful this time.. but it really is interesting to find out about the laws!
Click to download the core!
3 hour NEW Residential Core 2024-2025 Click to download
Click here for a direct link to pay for the Core Curriculum for $25.
Here is ANOTHER option for the Core Curriculum!
The Legal Edge 15 clockhours includes the Core Curriculum! Here are the latest legal issues in 15 clockhours for ONLY $90. So many people are taking this option!
15 hour Legal Edge includes NEW Core 2024-2025
These are correspondence classes. You download the class in a pdf format onto your computer. You can read it on the screen or you can print it out and read it. You must print out the quiz and evaluation at the end. Complete the quiz along with the evaluation. Scan the answer sheet and evaluation and pay using credit card with PayPal. See front of website.
The Core Curriculum is NOT the Ethics class
As a member of the Association of REALTORS you are supposed to take an Ethics class. It is offered by them for free and does NOT have to be clockhours and has nothing to do with your license… Sometimes you will see it for clockhours but it doesn’t have to be.
OK… Lets say today… TODAY… or tomorrow is your birthday!
Yes, we do specialize in desperation! Email your answers to us right now. We will get your certs as soon as we can! No stress! When you renew you don’t list the numbers or include the certificates… but if audited you MUST have completed the class prior to your renewal! If you have questions or you are groaning… just email clockhours at gmail dotcom