First Renewal for New Agents 90 hours plus free class
The First 24 Months
This class is a fabulous intro to how to be successful in your real estate career! Topics include…
- Yikes? How will I make money?
- Where are the prospects?
- Put your credit card back in your wallet!
- Water is the enemy!
- Do you look good in an orange Jumpsuit?
- It’s hot and dry in the desert!
- Believe in yourself… Stay strong!
You will get 3 clochours toward your electives! Just click. It is a pdf. Print out the quiz and evaluation. Read the class and then do the quiz with a pen. Scan back! You will get a certificate! CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CLASS!
The First 24 months revised July 2023 Click to download FREE for new agents
Required Continuing Education
for Newer Brokers
All new real estate brokers must take 90 clockhours during the first 2 years to renew their license.
The classes that are required include
- 30 hours of electives including 3 hour Core Curriculum and 3 hour Fair Housing
- Advanced Real Estate Practices
- Real Estate Law
The entire package is $399 which is a savings over taking each separately. You can take the classes and pay in increments… just email us with what works for you and we can accommodate your needs.
Below you will find all the classes you need. If you do not need all the 30 hours of electives and core .. you can take classes individually.
30 hour Real Estate Advanced Practices class
This class consists of 6 sections that are each 5 hours. You must read each section and take the quiz. You can go back at any time. It’s low tech.. just print out the quiz and do with a PEN… A PEN! When you are done with all 6 sections you must take the test. Attach all paperwork and send or scan and email to us.
If you have questions, just email us… Thanks! Natalie
Section 1 Adv Practices Agency 2023 Click to download
Section 2 Adv Practices What is a Home Worth 2023 Click to download
Section 3 Adv Practices Earnest Money 2023 Click to download
Section 4 Adv Practices Dangerous Dozen 2023 Click to download
Section 5 Adv Practices Signing Listing 2023 Click to download
Section 6 Adv Practices What is a Broker 2023 Click to download
30 hour Advanced Practices Test You must complete along with the quizzes!!!!!!
Click here:
Advanced Practices Workbook with tests Sept 2023 Click to download
30 hour Real Estate Law Class
This class consists of 4 sections. The quizzes are at the end of each section. There is also a final test. Scan all the quizzes and test and evaluation to receive clockhours.
WA Real Estate Law Class 2023 Click to download
RE Law FinaL Test 2023 Click to downloadY
You must email the final test along with the quizzes and evaluation to get clockhours
30 hour Real Estate Electives Classes including CORE CURRICULUM and WA Real Estate Fair Housing class.
You need 21 hours of elective classes. These include:
The 3 clockhour Core curriculum minimum 3 clockhours (there is a 15 hour version)
Fair Housing 6 clockhours.
Here is an example of a few classes that meet this requirement. You can substitute other classes. If your classes add up to more than 30 hours… you don’t pay any extra. Sometimes the classes don’t add to 30. There is a free one that can be included.. see above.. The first 24 Months!
Take the Required Core Curriculum! You must EITHER take the old core OR the new one. The new one starts January 1st and the old one expires.
3 hour NEW Residential Core 2024-2025 Click to download
OR You can take 15 hour Legal Edge that includes 3 hour NEW core. Choose one!
15 hour Legal Edge includes NEW Core 2024-2025
Take the 3 clockhour WA Real Estate Fair Housing Class. This is a new class as of June 2024.
3 clockhour Fair Housing Required after June 1, 2024 click to download
CHOOSE classes that total to you have your required hours including the core) or choose any other classes. There is quite a variety on the website.
7.5 hour Listings That Sell 2024 edited Click to download
7.5 hour Key to Buyers Click to download
7.5 clockhour Keep Your License revised 2023 Click to download
7.5 hour Recharge your Real Estate Business revised Sept 2023 Click to download
3 clockhours Scams and Fraud revised 2023 Click to download
3 clockhours Choose your Business Revised 23 Click to download
3 clockhours Dangers of Overpricing Jan 21 Click to download